Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My March Madness

So as I figure this spring, summer will be way too hot. We had nothing for winter. It's March 13 and it's 60 degrees. We're not going to all of a sudden get a frost so bad it's going to knock out my lettuce and spinach, so I'm planting the first round of the year. If Mother Nature proves me wrong, so be it, if not, I'll be eating my own spinach and lettuce in 45-55 days. Another thing,do you see in the picture, spinach already there. That was from last year. I planted late September or so because it was so warm, it came up a bit like you see here. I covered it with a makeshift hoop house- garden stakes with translucent plastic tied to it. The cold came and in my laziness, I didn't take the hoop house down. It stayed up all winter and instead of rotting the baby spinach, it just went dormant because here we are and it never looked any different all winter long. I'm very interested to see if it will pick up and grow bigger. In all my gardening books I have never come across this bit of information. Maybe it was a fluke cause of this mild winter, but this is just another reason when you are better connected to the land and nature, you can hear and see the subtleness.
First three rows from me, green swiss chard, next two rows, multi colored chard, then Forellenschluss, yeah, a lettuce, then Amish deer tongue, then one row of Susan's red bibb lettuce, all the seeds I had left, and filled in the rest of the bed with spinich. Finished with a low makeshift hoop house.

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