Monday, January 2, 2012


Bon jour. I'm so excited I got this thing up and going. My journey for the next year will be chronicled, oh there's spell check! This is going to be fabulous. Chronicled in this blog; urban gardening, foraging, recipes and stories about what really tastes good, and pictures.
I think it could be helpful to some if I spend a few sentences sharing a bit of my background.
I don't think my true pasion for what I'm about to undertake this year was as strong in years past. It has been only in the last two to three years all of my dabbleing, reading a bit hear and there, living a little more there and here, that it all started to come together into this ultimate design of my life. I am as in the moment as I could be. I can see my past and I haven't a care about the future, for I know that it's one day at a time kind of a life when you're working with nature as your gardening partner.
I know enough to give it a go, and I also don't know anything, enough to still be amazed and appreciate the wonders of it all.

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