Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Prologue 2 continue

Well, needless to say, I wanted more raised beds and by then, my then husband was working in some other womans bed, and I couldn't bribe my dad, so I went to the Home Depot myself. The boys loaded up the cinder blocks, dirt, peat moss and my very own shovel. Like a full size, dig a whole in the ground kind. Up till now, I just had small containter gardens; only needed a trowel and if I had to dig in the earth, I always borrowed my dads.  With this new bed was going to come new independance. No more bothering my dad for his tools or roping him into my "projects". Then the day came, he, walked right past me digging in the raised bed dirt and said "Where did ya get the shovel?". I'm sure with some dismay, for he couldn't have fogoten, or did he, did I ask to borrow his shovel and he forgot already. "I got my own. It seemed like I was bothering you every time I needed to use one, so I just go my own." "Oh?." he said. A ring of disapointment. At that moment, I realized it's not that he didn't want me asking to borrow his tools, he like being needed, but he sure wasn't going to argue about being left alone.

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